WCEF 1st Annual Trivia Night is almost here. If you haven't signed up your team yet, there is still time to do so. Doors will open at 6:00 PM and trivia will start at 7:00. Knead Pi & Q will have a food truck onsite. Should be a great night!
Some WHS NHS/Silver cord/Student council members spent the morning helping pack over 100,000 meals Saturday morning. #wintersethuskypride
Help the Cultural Awareness Club next week at BB senior night!
Cultural Awareness Club members went to the Civic Center Friday to watch Step Afrika, the world’s first professional company dedicated to the tradition of stepping — a polyrhythmic, percussive dance form that uses the body as an instrument. They even learned some new moves!
Just a quick reminder about the upcoming Winterset Educational Foundation Trivia Nigh on Saturday, February 12th, if you haven't already signed up a team there is still time to get signed up. Check out the flyer below for more details.
Happy Groundhogs’ Day! The 3rd graders worked on their predictions yesterday.
Thanks to State Senator Julian Garrett for meeting with Supt. Gross & Norwalk Supt. Magee for IASB Legislative Day on the Hill!