Tomorrow, Friday October 21st is a 2 hour early out. WMS will dismiss at 1:05. Please have plans for your student made and communicated before they leave for school tomorrow! Enjoy your extended weekend!
We need your help!!☺️
New and exciting ways for students to spend their hard earned tickets!!! Thank you to the PTO for funding all of the fun prizes!🎟
Friday October 21st is the end of the 1st Quarter. WMS will dismiss at 1:05.
Enjoy your weekend!!!
Paw Pantry is open today!
Congratulations to Ms. Holloway (5th grade) she will be getting hitched in a couple of days and return to the MS as Mrs. Meyer!💍
Picture Re-takes are this Friday at WMS!!!!😄📸
Reminder, WMS Parent Teacher conferences are tomorrow evening. Please take time to stop at the book fair, as well as look through the lost and found!
We are excited to see all of our WMS families!
In an effort to get books to each of our students, an eWallet has been set up to purchase books for students who can't afford one. Use the link to donate if you are able:
Don't forget to stop by the book fair tonight!
Flu shots will also be available!
Mr. Clouse's class out for a nice walk today in the outdoor classroom!😊
Mrs. Huston's class enjoying the beautiful weather while participating in the Healthiest State Walk today!!😎☀️
During Parent/Teacher Conferences, please take time to look through the lost and found!! This is just a little of what we have, we are still putting more lost items out!
MS students will be running the mile this week in PE class. Please be sure they pack their running shoes and a water bottle!!
We have our drop off box in the mS office ready for donations of Warm Winter Wear to keep our Huskies warm!! Please send any donations of gently used outerwear with your student to be donated!🧤🧣
Now-October 13th!
WMS yearbook Cover contest!🐾💛
We apologize for the confusion and numerous emails about yearbook orders. We are working with Jostens to get more details. Please be patient and we will pass the information on when we receive it. Happy Friday!
Do you have some extra Winter outerwear? 🧤🧣