4th Graders read the story "Snowflake Bentley." Then, they were challenged with designing their own snowflakes using only toothpicks and marshmallows. As you can see, their snowflakes are just as special and unique in their own way as each one of our fourth graders are!
about 3 years ago, WMS
SF 1
SF 3
SF 4
Here at WMS we are completely overwhelmed by the kindness our community and students continue to show for the PAW Pantry. Our grade level boxes are overflowing after week 1 of our hygiene drive!!There is still another week to donate!
about 3 years ago, WMS
HG 1
HG 2
Reminder that the PAW Pantry is open today (12/9) from 4-5pm at WMS. Park in the back parking lot and enter in the South West door. The PAW Pantry will also be open on 12/23, even though there is no school.🐾
about 3 years ago, WMS
Keeping warm now that December weather has made it's way to Winterset!🥶
about 3 years ago, WMS
4th Grade
The PAW Pantry has received so much❤️ this week. Many personal hygiene items have been brought for the hygiene drive. The past couple of days, we've received donations of food from the community. Thank you Brandy and Michael Tomlinson for their donations they brought yesterday.
about 3 years ago, WMS
PAW Pantry
Great job to all 5th and 6th grade band students on their wonderful concert last night! All of your hard work was definitely shown through your amazing performance!🎺
about 3 years ago, WMS
It is only the 2nd day of the hygiene drive here at WMS!!!! 5th grade is crushing the competition! If you are able to donate to the PAW Pantry, please send personal hygiene items with your student. Hygiene drive goes through December 17th.🧴🪒🧼
about 3 years ago, WMS
Hygiene drive
Reminder that the WMS Paw Pantry hygiene drive begins Monday!! Help fill the grade level boxes! We will collect items through December 17th. 5th Grade already has a head start!!
about 3 years ago, WMS
HD 1
HD 2
Monday, December 6th - Friday, December 17th WMS will be hosting a hygiene drive for the Paw Pantry. Each grade will be trying to donate the most for their chance to win a prize for their grade level.
about 3 years ago, WMS
Hygiene Drive
The December lunch menu is here!!🎄
about 3 years ago, WMS
Lunch menu
Happy Thanksgiving to all WMS families!!🦃
about 3 years ago, WMS
WMS  Thanksgiving
4th Grade got a little creative today!!!
about 3 years ago, WMS
4th grade 1
4th Grade 2
4th Grade 3
4th Grade 4
There will be no school next week November 22nd- November 26th. Classes resume Monday, November 29th. WMS hopes all of our students and families have a Happy Thanksgiving!
about 3 years ago, WMS
Another pair of glasses has been lost at the MS. If they look familiar please call the office to claim them.
about 3 years ago, WMS
More 4th grade water turbines in science class!
about 3 years ago, WMS
Science 5
Science 6
Science 7
Science 8
4th graders have been water turbines in Science class. This week they began testing them!
about 3 years ago, WMS
Science day 1
science 2
science 3
Science 4
As we approach colder weather, please send your student with warm clothing. We will go outside for recess every chance we get! Also, please label your students things with their first and last name!
about 3 years ago, WMS
Dress for cold
We have quite the collection of eye glasses at the Middle School. Please call the office if you recognize them. We would like to get them back their owners.🤓
about 3 years ago, WMS
about 3 years ago, WMS
On Friday, November 12th WMS will have a pajama day for all grade levels! Come to school comfortable and ready to learn.
about 3 years ago, WMS
Pajama Day